Mid-Year planning – Rates, Roths and Rules

Checking your income tax planning now is a good idea – tax planning can be done year-round.  As with any planning, acting while you can have an impact is best.  Tax laws may change before the end of 2022, e.g. Secure Act 2.0 may be adopted, but it’s still wise to know where you stand now. 

The IRS seems to have a similar thought about tax planning as they created a website with tools and resources at Steps to Take Now to Get a Jump on Your Taxes – if you check it out, let us know what you think.

First question:  did you get a tax refund, or did you owe? 


Some people enjoy seeing a big refund, but as you may have heard, you are giving the government an interest-free loan with your money.  If you want to save, there are better ways, like an auto-debit to an IRA or to a savings account.

Not sure what happened to your refund?  There is a updated IRS tool for “where’s my refund” that now goes back three years at “Where’s My Refund?” 

The tool confirms receipt of your tax return, shows if the refund has been approved and indicates when it will be or has been sent.  If three weeks pass without receiving the refund, then you may want to contact the IRS.

Owed taxes

If you owed a significant amount for 2021, the IRS has another tool that helps make sure you have enough withheld for 2022 at Tax Withholding Estimator.  This way you can avoid penalties and interest for under withholding. 

If you do not get clear answers using the estimator tool, try comparing your 2022 paystub to your 2021 tax return, review the IRS guidance at Publication 505, or contact us for help.  

Second question: what happens if you act now?

Marginal vs. average tax rate

Knowing the rate at which additional net income will be taxed helps you make decisions such as the one in the next section, whether to convert an IRA to a Roth IRA or not. 

The marginal rate is your tax bracket, the rate at which the last portion of your income is taxed.  Any additional income would be taxed at this rate.  Your average tax rate is the percentage of income taxes to total taxable income.  You can have a low average rate but hit a high marginal rate, which may mean that taking more income into the current year would be costly. 

Time to convert to a Roth IRA?

The decision to convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA depends on several factors.  One is the rate of tax you pay now compared to the rate you expect to pay in retirement.  If your rate will be the same at retirement as now, then there are many reasons to convert, such as no required minimum distributions at retirement for a Roth IRA.  If your tax rate at retirement will be significantly less than currently, then converting now would be less tax efficient. 

If you want more on this decision, see “To Roth or not to Roth?” or check out Pros and Cons here.

Also, we discussed the back-door Roth IRA in our year-end post on 2021 tax planning.  

Last question:  how with this affect the rest of your finance?

Coordinate with investing and estate planning

Make sure any changes take for tax reasons do not foul your investment or estate planning. For more on estate planning, see estate planning checkup post


As you review your 2022 tax planning, check your 2021 returns for ideas on what to adjust, consider the impact of future tax rate increases and act when the impact on other planning also makes sense. 

Let us know if you have any questions. 

Good luck

Brace for the Holidays! Have a plan

As Halloween passes, we know that the season of over-buying and over-eating is approaching, so it’s time to prepare.  You want to enjoy being with friends and family without having the hangover of overspending, or worse, going into debt to finance all the fun. 

Make the gift giving fit with your cash management

Over-buying does not make you happier and usually makes the recipient uncomfortable.  Also, over-spending is likely to make achieving your long-term goals more difficult, which can add to the depression some feel at this time of year.

For gifts, “it’s the thought that counts” rings true.  Most recipients appreciate being remembered for who they are and what they do.  Think back to what you enjoyed most in past holidays and let that guide you.  This can help you stick to your values as you think through the entire process and devise your holiday shopping plan.  The time spent together may be far more important and rewarding than unnecessary giving.

Have a plan

Technology and social media can make shopping easier, but they also make it easier to overspend and end up with credit card debt from funding your gift giving.  

Part of the reason is that many such purchases are spontaneous.  People often regret these unplanned purchases.  Over 70% of people in one survey exceeded their budget and over half bought items not on their list.  This can make the new year bleak (More than 3 in 4 Americans are stressed about going into debt over the holidays — and technology’s not helping ) Counter this by creating a realistic budget, lookout for sales, review your budget to make sure you are on track. 

Budget – If you determine what you can reasonably spend and allocate that to people for whom you want to buy gifts, or give holiday tips, then you have a spending plan that should get you through.  When devising your plan, go back to your financial goals to remind yourself why staying on track is so important.  Include time for present wrapping to avoid time pressure that encourages splurge buying.  Also, you may want to have small gifts on hand for unexpected guests.  You can use budget apps, such as NerdWallet, to create a budget.  When you do, stick to it! 

If the people for whom you are shopping have wish lists, follow them for ideas.  And leave items in your shopping cart overnight to take a second look and avoid regretting a splurge purchase.  Ask “does the person really want or need this?,” especially if you are shopping for yourself!  (It may be wise to avoid, or at least substantially limit, any buying for yourself.) 

Be Wary of Black Friday, Cyber Monday and other retailer tricks

If you do your homework, you can determine if waiting in line or buying on line will be best.  As stated above, create a budget and stick to it.   

Be on the lookout for retailer other tricks like flash sales, loyalty cards, incentives to return for more purchases, misleading refund policies.  Similarly, procrastinating can lead to splurge buying ruled by emotions such as the need to please everyone and get the shopping done.

Avoid scams

With the pressure of the holidays to address all the gift giving, parties and thank yous, stay vigilant for scams.  These can come in the form of bogus IRS and social security calls, credit card offers, computer software deals and fake invoices.  There are many phishing sites you can use to check out whether the offers are legit

Review our Holiday Tipping Guide

As for tipping, see our post Guidelines for Holiday Tips and Gift.

Remember, if you’re unable to tip or give a gift, a thoughtful thank you note will acknowledge those people who are important to you.  You can even make a donation in their name. 

Brace for over-eating and possibly even depression

This blog is does not profess to have any expertise in psychology.  Nonetheless, we have all heard how holidays can be disappointing if not depressing from some.  The Hallmark gatherings promised on TV or social media rarely happen in real life. 

If the holidays are depressing, consider volunteering somewhere, such as a soup kitchen, or getting out for some serious exercise.  Both can lift your mood as well as either help others or improve your health.  Allow time to rest and recover!  And try a warm drink, tea not bourbon, or a warm bath. 

Take care of yourself – it’s hard to help anyone else if you are not in good shape yourself.  But if you are really experiencing holiday depression, speaking to people can help, be that family, friends or professionals.

We wish you all the best for financially sound, and fun, holidays!  And let us know if we can help you plan.

Holiday Planning Series with the Squash Brothers, part III, debt management

Watch our Holiday Planning Series, Part II, as Steven and the Squash Brothers discuss debt management so you do not overspend and end up with credit card debt you can’t pay off.

Thanks for watching our series!

Holiday Planning Series with the Squash Brothers, part II, cash management

Watch our Holiday Planning Series, Part II, as Steven and the Squash Brothers discuss cash flow planning so you have more to spend (or to save!).

Next time, debt management.