Tax Season Tips and Links
As we gear up for tax season, here is a collection of thoughts and suggestions:
As noted previously, the TCJA expires after 2025, so we encourage planning for all those changes. For some ideas, see our post on turn tax planning on its head for income taxes and see this post on estate planning.
When you work on your IRS form 1040 for 2023, how do you plan to answer the question on digital assets? That question has changed over the years and now reads:
At any time during 2023, did you: (a) receive (as a reward, award or payment for property or services); or (b) sell, exchange, gift or otherwise dispose of a digital asset (or a financial interest in a digital asset)?
2023 form 1040
Some tax pros think this question covers items such as a ticket for events like the Super Bowl, as these are non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, being unique and recorded in digital ledgers. Therefore, if you purchased such an NFT, you need to answer “yes.” When in doubt, saying yes may be the best response.
We reported that the SECURE Act 2.0 allows for unused 529 plan contributions to go into a Roth IRAs. Here is a planning suggestion for parents and grandparents: start early with 529 plan contributions so that there is a surplus over college costs that can be converted to a Roth later, within the limits.
There are also some significant cases before the Supreme Court we are watching, including the Moore case on unrealized income.
The IRS continues to deal with a huge backlog of mail to process, including many amended returns. They say that this is due to prioritizing answering calls over processing during the Pandemic.
And the IRS warns again to be wary of phishing attempts by phone, e-mail and text. They have a page on phishing and how to respond.
Massachusetts changed the estate tax law so we now have a true exemption of $2 million. This may tilt more toward planning to avoid capital gains rather than estate taxes.
For more ideas, please see “Year-end Tax Planning 2023-2024 and recent changes” to read more and let us know if you want to discuss any of the strategies.
Let me know if you want to discuss anything.
Thank you and be well.