Exploring Why Some People Get Fitter Than Others: A new study in rats adds to a growing body of data about how and why bodies respond so differently to exercise.
The Brain’s Empathy Gap – Can mapping neural pathways help us make friends with our enemies? Quote: “Here, as in Ireland, otherwise-reasonable people could not bring themselves to consider the opposing side’s perspective, and as a result could not muster compassion for their suffering.”
The Best and Worst Fonts to Use on Your Résumé.
A Racy Silicon Valley Lawsuit, and More Subtle Questions About Sex Discrimination. Women can find themselves caught in a double standard at work, needing to promote themselves and yet not appear too pushy. As David Streitfeld, who is covering the trial for The New York Times, wrote, men at the venture firm essentially told Ms. Pao: “Speak up — but don’t talk too much. Light up the room — but don’t overshadow others. Be confident and critical — but not cocky or negative.”
Conan O’Brien’s history-making Cuba mission: ‘Make them laugh’ – LA Times.
Lake Michigan is So Clear Right Now its Shipwrecks Are Visible From the Air | Smart News | Smithsonian.
Karen, an App That Knows You All Too Well – An interactive app from the British art group Blast Theory is part story, part game and leaves its users feeling distinctly uncomfortable.
What Part of ‘No, Totally’ Don’t You Understand? (how “no” means “yes”)
Formula 1 aerodynamics will make grocery stores more efficient.
Start-Up Blends Old-Fashioned Matchmaking and Algorithms. Like most start-up founders, Ms. Kay and Ms. Tessler saw a problem in a market they knew well, one that wasn’t caused by a lack of technology, but by too much. The problem was cost-effective dating and the market was love. After starting a group dating company, the founders shifted course with the help of user feedback.
Charm Offensive. Millennials Are Horrible at Being Charming Online – Slate.com
Allan Turing and the Apple. Some have said that the Apple logo is a tribute to Alan Turning, as he took a bite of an Apple when he committed suicide.